Changing the way the world views period care.
Case Study
Saalt is on a mission to create natural and sustainable period care products for all menstruators. They aren’t hush hush about period talk either because they want to foster a more positive culture around something that has been taboo for far too long. On top of all that, they also give 2% of revenue to initiatives that improve mensuration for all. Simply put, they’re our kind of rebels — period.
Services Provided:

My period is nature. My period is powerful.
:30 Commercial
“My Period is Nature. My Period is Powerful.” shares the parallel between mother nature and the changing of the seasons and a menstruator’s naturally occurring cycle. We're ready to flip period talk on its head. Our cycles are powerful enough to perpetuate the human race. We think they deserve kudos, not censorship. That's what this new ad campaign is all about. Our bodies are beautiful. Let's celebrate them.
The spot was directed by an all-female team of filmmakers from São Paulo, Brazil.

“Period underwear brand Saalt is the latest to come out with a category-challenging message, celebrating menstruation rather than trying to cover it up.”

How You Period.
:30 Commercial
So there we were, planning to shoot a commercial...and ...cue global pandemic. Oh no! No production bueno. So we put on our creative problem-solving hats (and masks) and thought, what if we hired separate directors for each scene to film from their own quarantined part of the world? We put our intentions out into the universe and over 200 filmmakers answered the call. We narrowed it down to four amazing menstruating filmmakers and spent a lot of time on video chat. In the end, we had a ton of beautiful footage and some new friends. It's amazing what can be done when you’re up against the wall.

“Saalt is putting its own spin on cliché period ads.”

Menstrual Hygiene for girls in Kenya
A girl having a solution for menstrual hygiene needs is one thing. A girl having the choice of how she meets those needs, based on her preferences and what she knows about her body is a whole different story, and one that is truly empowering for girls. Thanks to Saalt, that’s the opportunity the Girls from the WISER Girls Secondary School have with help from Saalt.
Annual Planning Sessions
When you’re goaling big, you need to plan big. We hosted a full-day planning session with Saalt to help prep for an ambitious year full of launches and campaigns. The day-long session was filled with custom interactive workshops and planning materials to help the Saalt team feel prepared, aligned, and inspired for the upcoming year.