Direct Orthopedic Care
Changing healthcare one sprain, strain, and break at a time.
Case Study
What is the most creative thing you’ve seen done in the healthcare industry? Scratching your head? When you think of healthcare marketing, you probably think of doctors in white coats and stock photos of patients getting treated. DOC is rebelling against their industry by cutting out all the unnecessary red tape to deliver, not just better care, but a modern customer experience to go with it. No appointment or referral needed, open 365 days a year, and you see an orthopedic specialist right away — they’re breaking all the rules while fixing all broken bones at the same time.
Services Provided:

Wild in the wild
Healthcare videos usually depict doctor offices with smiling patients awaiting treatment. How accurate is that? The reality is that most people headed to an orthopedic clinic are doing so because they are in pain. Would you be smiling if you just broke your leg? After a lengthy outreach process, we were able to leverage user-generated content that felt authentic and was entertaining to watch resulting in increased thruplays.
Radio Ads
You can imagine the creative challenge to come up with healthcare radio spots that don’t make people fall asleep. We’ve all heard them — “we care more” or “we have the best doctors” — booooooring. Research continues to show those ads don’t work and consumers tune them out. Not to mention you just sound like everyone else. We took a different route to make our ads more memorable and improve recall amongst listeners.